Understaffed Stores
A Real-Time Solution to Understaffed Stores
Retail stores are understaffed. Many workers never returned to their jobs once the pandemic eased, while a wave of disgruntled workers have left the industry permanently, and many older workers have retired.
This has made it tough for retailers to welcome consumers back to brick-and-mortar shopping. Shoppers’ expectations have risen as well. Accustomed now to getting instant answers to their questions online, they expect even more information to be readily available when they take the time to check out your products in real person. But most retailers simply don’t have enough associates adequately prepared to serve customers well. Even when a store is fully staffed, associates are often otherwise occupied, or merely reticent to offer assistance.
The understaffed store (in both bodies and expertise) is something all consumers have experienced at one time or another. You’ve found a line of products that interest you and have your eye on one or two. You’d really like to know more about your choices. What’s the difference between the two options? Which one is the best choice for my specific needs? Will I need to buy any accessories? Does the price include a warranty or protection plan? How do these products differ from similar competitors’ products? As these and other questions swirl around in your head, you look up and down the aisles in a desperate search for answers. A couple of employees are busy restocking shelves, and when you find one free, they say they aren’t familiar with the brand anyway. Another one is working on inventory, and as you approach them, they avoid eye contact or maybe even walk away.
If you do find an available associate willing to assist you, chances are that, as caring as they might be, they really aren’t knowledgeable enough for you to make a confident purchase decision. The result? You leave the store in frustration, and the store loses not only a sale but possibly also a customer—forever.
The solution to staffing shortage woes? AskMe™. It’s a simple yet powerful tool that gives associates and customers immediate, in-store access to virtual brand experts. Attached to your product or the shelf is a cling tag with a QR code that the customer scans with their phone on the spot. Up pops a brand expert, via text, video chat, or phone call, who is ready to help the customer understand all about the product line so they can make an informed buying decision. Right then and there.
AskMe provides two essential advantages here. One, staying up to date on a product line—and having comprehensive, fresh knowledge of features and functionality of different brands, models, or versions—could be a full-time job for a retail associate. But highly trained AskMe experts step in with the latest knowledge at hand, leaving store associates free to handle other valuable tasks. Two, customers have the full attention of an expert whose sole purpose is to provide meaningful information that can help guide them to a high confidence level in their final product purchase.
AskMe experts can be in one store—or every store—are available anytime, and are equipped with deep product knowledge that empowers customers and associates alike.
No matter your needs, AskMe experts can help.
If you can envision AskMe making a difference for your brand,