Q: What topic/product did you personally get excited about seeing this year?
A: One product I’m always interested to see new improvements on are drones, and this year, they had a drone that took selfies and videos. As for another one? Another great product was made by Owl! It’s a dashboard camera that monitors your car with 365-degree views of your car’s surroundings. You’ll never have to wonder what’s going on again with Owl’s instant video alert and live view-from-anywhere capabilities.
Q: What are one or two ideas/facts about today’s consumer technology that you think retailers should be prepared for? How should they prepare?
A: Internet of things (IoT) continues to explode with more and more products hitting the market. Retailers are going to need to figure out how to educate consumers on this space properly, as well as finding a more efficient way to educate and engage their retail sales associates who are marketing and selling these products.
Q: What product do you see topping sales lists during the holiday season?
A: Remo+ is a product that slides across the top of the door to your home to record activity and stream video, so you are always aware of what’s happening. I think this will be a big competitor against Ring. As far as holiday gifts go, I think myCharge (wireless charging stations).
Q: What was the biggest takeaway from CE Week this year?
A: IoT continues to grow in this space and present new products rapidly. Consumers and retailers will need to focus intently on anything and everything IoT related.
Q: How do you see today’s market shifting the CE, and how will it affect other industries/retailers/businesses?
A: Products seem to be more complex this year than in previous years. This will make it harder for consumers to differentiate them based solely on packaging. Retailers can win by finding better ways to educate their reps and creating more enjoyable buying experiences for consumers. Having uneducated reps will force the consumer to play a guessing game when searching for the best product. Best not to take any chances here!
Things to remember before you click over to watch that cute dog video for the third time today:
- The Owl may have heads turning and credit cards swiping this holiday season.
- Retailers need to up their game when it comes to proper sales rep trainings.
- Home intruders may have finally met their match with IoT products like the Remo+.
- Products are becoming more and more complex, so businesses and consumers alike will find themselves conducting more research to better understand their ins and outs.