Keeping Up With Today’s Retail Trends

Keeping Up With Today’s Retail Trends

How is it possible to keep up with all of the retail trends in today’s market? It’s especially difficult when we look to those that failed to change who have gone the way of the dinosaur. We have seen many large retailers disappear or go bankrupt in the last...
Retail Apocalypse or Omnichannel Evolution?

Retail Apocalypse or Omnichannel Evolution?

If you’re wondering what in the world is going on with brick and mortar retail, you’re not alone. Right now, we are hearing two dramatically different click-bait stories. On the one hand, we have the doom and gloom tale of how traditional retail is dead or dying. On...
Improve Sales with Better Customer Engagement

Improve Sales with Better Customer Engagement

Many companies focus their sales and engagement efforts on drawing in new customers with great deals. Aiming marketing efforts at a target audience in order to bring in new sales is fine, but some brands do so to the detriment of their current customers, driving them...