Best MarketSource B2B Sales Blogs of 2023

MarketSource Shares Key Managed Sales Insights to Assure B2B Success

B2B sales isn’t what it used to be. In 2023, we saw some exciting new trends emerge.  

Data-driven decision making is on the rise as more companies rely on AI and automation. Streamlining sales enablement operations was a prime focus, and as remote sales interactions came to the fore, sales teams grappled with ways to personalize customer relationships. Strides were made in omnichannel marketing—often the result of productive collaborative partnerships. 

Check out some best practices in our most popular blogs from the past year. 

The Four Pillars of Customer Success – The solution to reducing customer churn always lies within your current customers. But without a full commitment to Customer Success, you won’t be able to put the solution into practice. Ask yourself: Do you have the essential elements in place to ensure strong, trusted relationships that endure? If not, what are your options? Get the answers here.  

The Revenue Leader’s Guide to Improving Customer Renewals – Getting on a path to sustainable growth starts with a strategy aimed toward achieving specific revenue goals. And intertwined with a successful strategy is a plan for retention. Explore ways to deliver an unforgettable customer experience, and customers will be more likely to buy from you again. 

5 Managed Sales Myth Busters – Sales outsourcing, also called managed sales or business process outsourcing, involves delegating portions of your sales engine to a partner to achieve higher sales performance. But myths abound about sales outsourcing. This blog dispels the untruths and shows you what to expect from the right partner. 

Is Your Customer-Centric Strategy Up to Speed? – With the buyer in more control of the sales process, sales leaders must better equip their teams to keep customers front and center. Along these lines, we summarize the key takeaways from a major McKinsey & Company report, Future of B2B sales: The big reframe, and added our own recommended best practices to help you realize higher sales volume. 

How to Create a Customer Journey Map – Keeping close tabs on your customers is inherent to effective Customer Success. But if you want true customer intimacy that launches great customer experiences, you must glean and analyze how your customers interact with you and your product. Enter customer journey maps. Follow our blueprint so you can ensure pre- and post-purchase success with your brand.

Author: Karen Salamone

Author: Karen Salamone

Karen is Head of Marketing for MarketSource. She is a transformational B2B and B2B2C leader with a history of building marketing organizations, content teams, and demand generation centers of excellence from the ground up. She is recognized for delivering meaningful insights and fresh approaches and for earning best-in-class content, design, and multi-media awards.

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