As a 4th generation Certified Protégé of #GirlsClub, an organization that is committed to changing the face of sales by empowering more women to earn roles in leadership, Natalie Whiten has dedicated nights and weekends to attending webinars and classes to maximize her experience.
“#GirlsClub meets monthly with the sole mission of being real, speaking the truth, and lifting women up—in business and in life,” explains Natalie.
A favorite part of Natalie’s experience was being paired with her mentor. “Honestly, two more compatible people couldn’t have been chosen to be paired together,” she says. Natalie’s mentor is a business coach, so she had a wealth of resources and knowledge to share, much of which served to help Natalie overcome personal roadblocks. Their relationship grew, and Natalie sees her mentor as being in her life for the long haul.
#GirlsClub also allowed Natalie to become a bolder person. “That’s something I will always reflect on and appreciate,” she says. “There were a couple of instances where I was emboldened to step out of my shell and found myself becoming comfortable in situations where I would previously be very uncomfortable.”
So, it was no surprise that, among 65 participants, Natalie won #GirlsClub’s “BombBomb Bravery Award.” Natalie explains that every participant was asked to “be brave” and write a submission for that award. “I reflected on how much I wanted to share and decided to be raw, real, and vulnerable,” says Natalie. “I told them stories about how, throughout the program, my bravery and self-worth really shined through…how I became someone who is transparent and allows myself to gain back the confidence that was once taken from me. I shared examples such as this quote from Rumi, ‘The wound is the place where the light enters you.’” Natalie is now more vocal about what she can (and can’t) do if she doesn’t have the bandwidth in that moment. She also makes sure to set her own, realistic expectations, rather than just accepting others’ expectations of herself.
“I know I can do hard things. I can be brave and bold. I can stand by my worth and values.”
“My experience was nothing short of uplifting, empowering, and resourceful,” says Natalie. “This is the perfect program for women looking to take that next step into leadership. I’ve always wanted to grow as a sales leader at MarketSource and transition into leading a team. My managers here have really helped me continue to pave that path by advocating for me, like nominating me for #GirlsClub.”
She continues: “MarketSource has always been a huge partner of #GirlsClub and I’m so grateful that last year I was chosen to represent our company. I know I can do hard things. I can be brave and bold. I can stand by my worth and values. Having all these capabilities will guide me to be a stronger leader than I was yesterday.”
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