Want to know what retail brand executives were watching closely in 2022? Our work with some of America’s most iconic brands helps us keep our fingers on the pulse of what keeps them up at night and the strategies they rely on to not just stay on top of market trends but to crush the competition. We’ve captured those insights in our most popular retail blogs from last year so you can, too.
Wading through the Hype of High Retail Inventory, Inflation, and More – If retailers panicked every time the market fluctuated, they’d never open their doors, let alone run a successful business. In times like these, how do you know what to believe, who to listen to? And how can you as a retailer survive—let alone thrive? Our blog explores what’s really happening in retail.
What Labor Shortage? Virtual Brand Experts Fill Critical Staffing Gaps – Quick fixes to fill labor gaps may work in the short term, but smart retailers are seeking long-term solutions that embrace automation. Just as the way the pandemic forced stores into fast-forwarding omnichannel shopping, the current labor shortage, compounded by supply chain disruptions and inflation, is forcing retailers to expand automation to get ready for the future. For some stores, that future has arrived.
Retail Recruitment: The Great Reset – “The Great Resignation” may be fading into a new phase, but its warning is clear. Retailers that want to stay ahead of the hiring curve should heed the necessity to create long-term solutions to recruiting and retaining employees.
Really? Physical Retail Grew More Than Etail?! – In 2021, sales from physical stores grew by 18.5% year over year, while e-commerce sales grew by only 14.2.%. Our blog explores this surprising trend and offers retailers strategies to adapt.
Digital Customer Engagement Comes of Age – Many pandemic-stimulated shifts in consumer shopping behaviors are here to stay. Enlightened retailers and brands recognize that traditional routes to successful sales, customer service, and customer retention are no longer satisfactory. And they are embracing these behavioral shifts with great gusto.