We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, you must be able to find and connect with your shoppers across all channels, to drive foot traffic to your stores. The reason? Fifty percent of all Americans still prefer to shop in-store and 83% who buy online pick up in-store. Unsure of your skills to master today’s brick-and-mobile retail? Let’s look at 3 quick tips that will help enhance your consumer’s brick-and-mobile experience.
Tip 1: Be on all channels.

We’re in 2019, not 1999; so, don’t expect to connect with your consumers if you only have one way to communicate with them. This doesn’t mean you won’t see success with only a great in-store experience or only a solid online presence, but don’t expect to lead in your industry until you come ready to play on all levels. Hone in on a strategy that properly expands your brand across all channels to secure a place in the hearts of your shoppers.
To fully engage your overly-connected shopper, combine convenience, excitement, and authenticity. Regardless of where your customer finds you, come ready to engage them by providing products or information immediately and seamlessly. Your focus should be entirely on creating a great experience.
Tip 2: Be all-knowing.
Online shoppers are accustomed to seeing recommendations based on previous purchases or even clicks on certain items, and as such, many are expecting the same when they come in-store to shop. In a study by the Google Shopper Marketing Agency Council, 79% of smartphone owners are smartphone shoppers, 82% of shoppers use search engines for browsing product information while in-store, and frequent mobile shoppers spend 25% more in-store than people who only occasionally use their mobile devices.
The best way to combat this brick-and-mobile shopper is to reinvest in your retail sales associates with improved training tactics and to create a fully-immersive customer experience—empowering shoppers to use mobile while in-store. Having your retail sales associates submerged and connected with the brand they represent will only strengthen it. This is an easy and critical piece to the puzzle as it helps keep messaging and CTAs consistent for shoppers as they switch between online and in-store.
Tip 3: Be truly authentic all the time.
There’s no argument that smartphones have quickly become the command centers of the in-store shopping experience, as consumers now have the freedom and ability to browse through webpages while browsing in-store. This is true across all retail categories, so understandably, this is the easiest and most efficient way to connect with them and close a sale. Businesses need to understand and utilize this tool if they want to see continued success. Be true to your brand and your shopper through mobile to create quality interactions and meaningful conversations.
What It All Boils Down To
As we explored more fully in a previous blog, it’s imperative that you be exactly where your shoppers need you to be by offering answers or information, and giving them exactly what they crave—your undivided attention and hand-selected suggestions. Creating a true omnichannel experience for your consumer, not just a multichannel one, will help you push past your competitors. Do not forgo the brick-and-mobile experience. Mobile marketing isn’t an option. It’s imperative.
It’s crucial for businesses and retailers to consider deepening and perfecting their relationship with technology if they wish to drive repeat customers and improve ROI throughout the coming years. If you want to discuss how MarketSource can help you solve some of your biggest challenges and be fully prepared to meet the ever-changing needs of your consumers, contact us today.