L&D Trainer Lifts Spirits at Vaccine Site | MarketSource Heroes
MarketSource is proud to have our very own ‘vaccine volunteer’ on our team. Learning and Development Trainer, Wendy Mayberry, spent many weeks at her local county health board drive-through vaccination center educating and lifting spirits with her natural talent for telling jokes.
“During the pandemic, like everyone else, I stayed at home and watched a lot of the news, which can kind of make you a little depressed,” said Wendy. “I was super excited when our local county health board decided to open up a drive-through vaccination center and requested volunteers. They reached out to me specifically because they knew I had skills in speaking to the public and they needed someone to educate folks driving through the vaccination clinic. It’s pretty exciting and tear-jerking to see folks that are super concerned about their health and well-being get a chance to get a vaccine that they believe can save their lives. I really enjoyed meeting all of my neighbors, getting to know them, getting to know their stories and finding a way to work my work schedule around, getting a chance to show up and volunteer. Most recently, we vaccinated younger teenagers that have Down Syndrome who are also at a particularly high risk. If you haven’t cried during the pandemic, this would definitely make you cry.
“It definitely helps despair when you can do something positive to help your community. And I got a chance to entertain folks that were nervous. I just stuck to the scripts and they looked like they were having a good time. I slid in a couple of jokes and that actually helped lighten the mood a lot. I was worried perhaps I’ve made too many jokes because, after about four weeks of volunteering, they decided to move me instead of being the one to educate the patients to the one that parks the cars. Turns out they were just having me spread the joy all the way around the vaccination center. I worked several different roles and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it. It’s been a fantastic way to give back to my community. “
Congratulations to Wendy Maybury for being a 2020 MarketSource Hero Award winner and for embodying our corporate value of Serving Others.